For perfect results: Overall production support

productronica allows you to do more than just gather extensive information about the latest developments and technologies. This is where a number of big-name exhibitors present the widest variety of products and services that are extremely relevant to the entire value chain and can simplify your routine tasks considerably.

Products that simply simplify your production operation

It starts with metalic and non-metallic preliminary products and semi-finished goods and covers everything from operating equipment and supplies to comprehensive production facilities. Add to that a variety of complex decontamination, cleaning and disposal solutions. At productronica, environmental management is also a topic of ever-increasing relevance. Finally, productronica is the perfect place to find the latest information about recycling systems and environmental-technology topics such as supply and recovery.

Services that simplify your daily business

productronica is not only the best place to gather information about more than just production-related operating equipment and supplies. The cluster for overall production support also features a number of other services such as information systems or contract manufacturing (besides EMS). It is also home to exhibitors that specialize in used systems, plants and machinery or in the topics of knowledge and sales.

The exhibitor directory contains lists of all exhibitors, products and services.