productronica videos, photos and logos

See for yourself: our video and photo gallery features a selection of striking impressions from productronica

Impressions productronica 2023—day 4

© Messe München GmbH
© Messe München GmbH
© Messe München GmbH
© Messe München GmbH
© Messe München GmbH
© Messe München GmbH
© Messe München GmbH

Impressions productronica 2023—day 3

© Messe München GmbH
© Messe München GmbH
© Messe München GmbH
Innovation Forum, How can the electronics industry encourage more women to join the workforce?, v.l., Moderation: Dr. Sandra Engle (VDMA Productroncis), Anne-Laureen Lauven (Plasmatreat, DE), Miriam Seidl (F&S Bondtec, AT), Dr. Muriel Thomas (Heraeus Printed Electronics, DE), Helene van de Ven (ASMPT, NL)
© Messe München GmbH
© Messe München GmbH
© Messe München GmbH
© Messe München GmbH
© Messe München GmbH

Impressions productronica 2023—day 2

© Messe München GmbH
© Messe München GmbH
© Messe München GmbH
© Messe München GmbH
© Messe München GmbH
© Messe München GmbH
© Messe München GmbH

Impressions productronica 2023—day 1

© Messe München GmbH
© Messe München GmbH
© Messe München GmbH
© Messe München GmbH
© Messe München GmbH
© Messe München GmbH

Photographs are free of charge for editorial coverage of the fair. Please observe the Rights of Use of Messe München.

The world of productronica in motion

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productronica Highlights

Microelectronics is one of the most important technologies of our time—and at the heart of productronica.

Electrification of the automotive industry offers opportunities for the electronics manufacturing industry

Find out what opportunities IoT opens up for the electronics manufacturing industry live at productronica.

productronica Highlights
Microelectronics is one of the most important technologies of our time—and at the heart of productronica.
Electrification of the automotive industry offers opportunities for the electronics manufacturing industry
Find out what opportunities IoT opens up for the electronics manufacturing industry live at productronica.