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Hall plans and fairgrounds map

The exhibitors present their comprehensive offers in 10 halls with a total of 108,000 square meters. The fairgrounds map and the hall plans are a reliable resource that will help you find the fair's various themes and the exhibitors' extensive range of products and services.

Hall plan of productronica 2025

Download fairgrounds map

Coloured map of the Messe München exhibition grounds with focus on the exhibition halls of the productronica exhibition and the West and Northwest entrances.

productronica exhibition sectors

Hall A1 | SMT Cluster

Test and measurement, quality assurance

Hall A2 | SMT Cluster

Test and measurement, quality assurance, Component mount technology, Production logistics and material-flow technology

Hall A3 | SMT Cluster

Component mount technology

Hall A4 | SMT Cluster

Soldering and joining technology for PCB, Product finishing

Hall B2 | Semiconductors & Future Production / Smart factory Cluster

Semiconductors Cluster

Semiconductor production, Production of displays, LEDs and discretes, Photovoltaics production, micronano-production / MEMS, Clean room technology, Materials processing

Future Production / Smart Factory Cluster

IT to Production, Industry 4.0, Production technologies for batteries and electrical energy storage, organic and printed electronics, 3D Printing, Additive Manufacturing

Hall B3 | PCB & EMS Cluster

PCB and other circuit carrier manufacturing, Electronic Manufacturing Services (EMS)

Hall B4 | Cables, Coils & Hybrids Cluster

Production technologies for cables and connectors, Coilware production, Hybrid component manufacturing

ICM and halls B1, C1, C2 | SEMICON Europa

Organized by SEMI Europe, SEMICON Europa is the largest European electronics platform connecting industry leaders across the entire design and manufacturing supply chain.