Emilio Paz
Process Engineer at ROWO Coating GmbH
After concluding his BSc. in chemical engineering at the Institute of Technology of Merida in Mexico, Emilio Paz studied his master in advanced materials and processes at the Friedrich Alexander University in Erlangen, Germany. At the end of his master studies, he joined Merck KGaA in Darmstadt, where he wrote his thesis on the synthesis of FTO particles in a fluidized bed reactor. Afterwards, he joined the group “coating technologies and systems” of the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems (ISE) in Freiburg where he developed miniaturized solid-state oxygen sensors using magnetron sputtering. Since 2021 he is part of ROWO Coating GmbH in Herbolzheim as R&D and Process Engineer where he is responsible for the development and production of transparent electrodes for OPV and similar applications.